Sickness in the Parker home! : (
So, after I had quite the sickness a couple days ago, I woke up last night to poor Alex face in the bathroom. He only threw up once though! So not fair! I was over the toilet all night! He says it's because of his guns (as he holds up his arms). Oh, how I love a man with a healthy ego. ;)
So, thanks to Madre Parker, I have more pictures of Alex and I! Happy Day! I'll get them posted ASAP. We're also going out with the Crowleys to get some more taken sometime soon too.
So, just prepare yourself for this blog to get cheesy sometimes. Oh, like right now... I just love Relief Society! I loved the talks on Saturday and I wish I had gotten right on and written what I loved right after the conference so I didn't forget everything. I will have to say my favorite would have to be the 'Mind the Gap' talk by Barbara Thompson. She referred the gap to being the difference between what we KNOW and what we DO. It was a great reminder to me that it isn't just important to KNOW the gospel but to LIVE it, following the example of Christ always.
I'm studying the Old Testament right now and there is one story that I have never fully understood. The Israelites were given the opportunity to see the Lord but told Moses something along the lines of "No, we don't want to. You can see him for us." I'm going to be honest, when i read this, along with other stories of the Israelites, this is usually when i start shouting to them to stop being so stupid! I cant think of any Christian who loves the Lord that wouldn't want to see him and learn from his feet. I talked to Alex about this and we started a long conversation. I realized that by not being exactly obedient to the Commandments, all of them, that I'm basically telling the Lord the SAME THING! "No, I don't want to see you, but the prophet can. Then, he'll just come back and tell me what I missed out on." What a humbling experience! So, I guess next time I read about the Israelites doing something stupid, I'll first stop and think about how I probably do the same thing every day. So, Mind the Gap! Let's be doers and not just hearers of the word only. ;) What a great Relief Society meeting!